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„It's a kids-game that went out of control..!” Reverend Backflash interview

The Mika Tivadar Mulató is hosting a huge Rock and Roll show on the 4th of April. Beside The Trousers, the austrian band, Reverend Backflash is going to shake up the hungarian audience with its engaging punk-rock and roll music. Before the gig, I had the chance to interview the band’s leader, Jack Nasty.

Rockbook: - Hey Jack! Have you ever been to Hungary? Do you have any expectations of the show in Budapest?

Jack Nasty: - Actually we have already played 2 shows in hungary in the last years. It was always a great party with great people and beautiful girls. We made some special friends and i'm really looking forward to meet some of them :)

Rockbook: - The band has been active for more than a decade now. How did it start, what were the major milestones in the band’s life?

Jack Nasty: - Me and Stevo are the only ones that are left from back then, its about 12 years ago since we were in the reherseal room the first time together. Since then lot of things happened and changed. A very important year for us was the 2010. We made our first shows outside of austria that year and released our debut album „Who's the Man”. Back then we reallized that we could make whatever we want, if we really want to!

Rockbook: - Your music is a combination of the ’70’s classic rock and punk. Which musicians or bands have an influence on you?

Jack Nasty: - We are really into the simple and hounest NYC punk sound from the 70's like the Dead Boys, Ramones and Dictators. But we also dig the classic rock'n'roll giants like AC/DC, Motörhead, Aerosmith, Guns'n'Roses, and so on. And last but not least, we love all the bands that made the sound of the band mentioned before survive untill today: Hellacopters, Backyad Babies, Gluecifer, Turbonegro, Hardcore Superstar, you name them!


Rockbook: - In 2013, Burnside Records released your ’Every Night’ album. Who writes the songs, how is a Reverend Backflash song made?

Jack Nasty: - Most of the time it's like this: Someone, often me or Stevo, comes with a riff, a chorus, a verse or even almost finished song to reherseal. Then the song is developed together by playing over and over again. We come up if working-lyrics while playing or someone brings a songtitle along with the material. Then me and Stevo are doing Lyricssession, including a lot of booze and going out on town sitting in dirty bars talking trash and putting al the output together to something we call „Lyrics”.

Rockbook: - Are you planning on releasing new material?

Jack Nasty: - When we drive home from Budapest we are going straight in to the Studio to record a 7inch record with 4 new songs. The record will be release during 2015 and will be called „Holy Shit”. I'm really looking forward for having the songs out, they are super catchy! Look out!

Rockbook: - Which was your most memorable show? Why?

Jack Nasty: - I dont know if this was the best show, but i was a great night, hahaha.

We were playing in Berlin at the „White Trash” and Texas Terri joined us on stage to sing with us „What Love is” by the Dead Boys. Friends from Vienna suprised us and we had a great party. That was probably one of the best shows on the road. But playing in Vienna infront of our homecrowd of course allways is a great thing, people here love us, hahahahaha.


Rockbook: - If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?

Jack Nasty: - Good question. Hard question.

I probably would like to write a song together with Dee Dee Ramone.

I'm not so much focused on sounds or technics, it's the song that makes the magic. I rather have a great song recorded shitty than have a poor song recorded great... I think Dee Dee would agree...

Rockbook: - What are your plans for the future?

Jack Nasty: - We wanna go hard, play more gigs, write more songs, release more records, and be drunk as fuck while doing it!

Rockbook: - And as for my last question, this may be a bit trying: What does Rock and Roll mean to you?

Jack Nasty: - Rock'n'Roll for me is all about friends! It's about people who dont know what to do with their time so they decide to dedicate it to something we use to call Rock'n'Roll. You cant be Rock'n'Roll by yourself. It's a kids-game that went out of control and became more serious than war!

Reverend Backflash are:

Jack Nasty - Vocals & Guitar
Captain Stevo - Guitar & Vocals
Pretty Boy Luke - Bass & Vocals
Candee Beat - Drums


Reverend BackFlash